you have some serious issues with the marketplace once the numbers get bigger. i beat all the quests or w/e and got most things maxed out, but towards the last plantation upgrade i started to lose huge sums of money trading. i double and triple checked to make sure i wasnt just making a mistake, but i think there is an issue where if i click the buy/sell buttons too rapidly it sometimes takes the payment and doesnt give me the right number of goods in return. for instance, i was at 3.4x10^11 and bought the max amount of stone at 20. i waited like 30 seconds and the price went up to 50, but when i sold all of it i was left with like 7x10^9 instead of more than doubling my money like i should have. that's absolutely outrageous given the amount of time it takes to save up for the later upgrades.
also i really think you need to rehaul the conquests. every single boss has a move they do every 10 seconds or so that instantly kills every unit on the screen, no matter how well upgraded they are. the fighting wasnt even moderately balanced. it was just a repetitive process of sending in 10 guys at a time so they could do a little damage and then die. srsly i invested like 90 trillion dollars in upgrading the spearmen. i should think that they'd actually make a difference when the payoff is only a few thousand at the end of the fight.
this is cool, and overall it's well made and engaging, but it's really tedious and when i run into errors like this in a game where literally the only reward i get at the end is a slightly higher number flashing on my screen. i hope you understand how unacceptable it is for me to lose 3/4 of my money in 30 seconds due to a glitch when literally the only reason im here is to make that number higher.
i completed the last mission but it doesnt give me any notification about it. i have all the rare items and still dont have the achievement nor has anything popped up and told me i won or anything. overall i feel that this game kind of trails off towards the finish line. i hope i dont sound overly critical, but i spent all day playing this only to get proverbially kicked in the nuts right when i thought i was about to beat it. its a good game, but you really really need to work on a few things